Telegram live AMA ft. Bluzelle

Bluzelle is a decentralized database using blockchain technologies to empower the world.

Ludmila Lopes
Published in
6 min readMay 7, 2018


After having great discussions on Bluzelle’s telegram AMA is our time to have them to join us live on our telegram, on May 8th at 1 PM GMT.

Our guest is Pavel Bains, Bluzelle CEO.

Pavel Bains — CEO

Pavel has over 15 years’ experience in operational management, digital technology and finance. An NCAA honor roll student-athlete from UCLA, Pavel also was the co-founder of Storypanda, a digital book platform that published critically acclaimed titles by DreamWorks, Warner Bros, Peanuts and more. Pavel was in GM and CFO roles for video game studios, including looking after 7 Disney studios across four continents and 350 people and $150M budgets.

Join us and learn more about this partnership! You can also fill this form with your questions in case you won’t be able to participate at the time of the live interaction.

**UPDATE: it has been a great discussion, and you can check what has been discussed below:


Q: Which problem does Bluzelle solve and what are the benefits of being completely decentralized?

A: Applications are sending more and more data. The current internet infrastructure is not equipped to handle this exponential growth. That is why you are getting more and more data breaches and outages. With a decentralized network, we allow for more security and no network failures since there are no central points of failure or entry.

Q: What would be the role of oracles in Acutus and Bluzelle? In my mind Auctus will have financial products to invest in and Bluzelle can store the investment data in a decentralized back office. Who will state to the system the value of the specific product, ie. Gold.?

A: Bluzelle will provide Auctus with a more secure and reliable database for all their customer data. Additionally, more apps will want to integrate and build on Auctus as they have a value-add database built in, automatically giving the developers a decentralized database.

Q: Where is your team located at and which events do you plan to participate next?

A: Part of our team is in Singapore (HQ) and part is in Vancouver (R&D). We’re gearing up for the next release of Bluzelle (called Lovelace). For that we’ll be hitting up and hosting events. First up is a booth at ETHereal in NYC this weekend. We’ll also be at Token Summit and Consensus.

We will also be at RISE in Hong Kong in July. That is geared more at a general tech audience so we can increase awareness outside of crypto.

Between that we will be hosting meetups in Vancouver, Kuala Lumpur, Taiwan and others.

Q: Is Auctus the first crypto project to use Bluzelle’s database or do you have anymore partnerships?

A: Auctus is the first investment platform to use Bluzelle. Our other collaborations cover different areas — Sentinel (cyber intelligence), Fysical (data analytics), 0x (exchanges), Bee Token (sharing economy), Zilliqa (high speed blockchain) and more.

Q: how does Bluzelle plan to handle scaling issues?

A: We are implementing swarming from the start. That means we will have consensus on our network at a swarm level not a universal level. This will make sure we stay in line with speeds of traditional database services.

Q: What’s the next roadmap milestone of Bluzelle?

A: June 2018 — Lovelace
Single-swarm NoSQL key-value pair RAFT consensus storage facility, minimum required stake of BLZ ERC-20 for joining nodes, basic Solidity and NEO Python dApp read-only support.

Dec 2018 — Bernoulli
Ethereum smart contract bootstrapping, dAPP full CRUD functionality, GUI CRUD client with viewer and editor access to key-value pairs in the swarm, Single-swarm enabling library developers to deploy private swarm instances for testing and development.

June 2019 — Curie
NoSQL key-value pairs via multi-swarm, leaf swarms, multi-swarm consensus, horizontal partitioning and simple sharding, consistent hashing, minimum required, maximum one swarm membership per node, dApp CRUD support across multiple swarms.

Dec 2019 — Keplar
PaaS integrations, IDE plugins and integrations, blockchain smart contracts, desktop and browser and mobile apps for interactive access, import/export from legacy databases, node scoring and health metrics

Q: What were some of the reasons to partner up with Auctus?

A: At this point of our development we want to work with exciting projects that can grow the ecosystem as a whole. Auctus is solving a problem many have, have already been building their tech, and have been putting together solid partners to support their platform

Q: Hello, what makes AUC stand out from other projects (besides being the only project focused on retirement)?

A: 1. Solid team.
2. They are working with other companies we know — ones that understand tech well.
3. Our Director of Developer Relations spoke with them and found the project and team compelling
4. Focused on execution

Fact they didn't do a massive raise shows that they are taking a focused approach

Q: How can Bluzelle increase the value of Auctus and vice versa?

A: Bluzelle -> Auctus
We provide a database layer that is more secure and reliable. This is then offered to financial applications being built on Auctus. Auctus now has another value add.

Auctus -> Bluzelle
A good customer and compelling use case to show how other financial products can use Bluzelle. I think we all know the traditional financial companies are coming on board anytime soon. So let’s have the crypto ones lead the way and take users from the old guys.

Q: What is the biggest risk to the project? Is it the reliance solely on Ethereum?

A: We aren’t built on Ethereum. We are our on protocol — Ethereum happens to be the first blockchain we are connected to. We’re also working with NEO, Zilliqa and others to be announced later.

Our biggest concern is building up a solid developer community that wants to support and grow the protocol. That’s what helped tech companies like Heroku, MySQL and others.

Q: Could Tomo or Man be potential blockchains you’re going to be connected to?

A: Our goal is to be the default database for all blockchains

Q: How would Bluzelle help in increasing security? Databases for financial products seems like the perfect target for a digital bank heist to me.

A: In a centralized database structure, they can attack one place. It’d be like in Ocean’s 11 when all the money from several casinos went to one place. All Danny and Co had to do was steal from one place.

With Bluzelle, the data is broken up into pieces and stored across many nodes. So you need to break into every node on it’s own. Which requires way too much effort.

Q: Which role BLZ token plays in the Bluzelle ecosystem?

A: Pretty straight forward. Our customers pay BLZ to use the service. Our producers (the storage providers) earn BLZ.

Q: How does Bluzelle solution performs on “high db read/write demanding” apps?

A: We can’t give exact metrics right now. But the product team has that user story as one of the main priorities.

Q: What kind of incentives do Bluzelle and Auctus give to developers to build on their platforms?

A: For us we are going to be giving out challenges to solve and reward them. Also, by integrating with multiple blockchains we provide a problem/solution value prop that appeals.

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